Wakefield Alliance Against Violence
Pets and Domestic Violence
Pets and Domestic Violence
31% of domestic violence survivors delayed leaving an abusive situation out of concern for their pets. 71% of abusers had threatened, injured, or killed pets for revenge or control. There is help for those looking to find a safe place for their pet from abuse or in the event an animal can’t be with the owner temporarily when they flee a domestic situtaion.
Safe People Safe Pets
617-999-3055 or [email protected]
The Safe People Safe Pets Foster Program helps secure temporary shelter for pets of domestic violence victims. Victims often cannot leave them behind if they flee a violent relationship, but cannot take them to where they are staying. We will help coordinate condidential, temporary foster homes for these pets when family members or friends cannot take animals. If you need foster care, please have your advocate contact us.
Visit Wakefield Alliance Against Violence on Facebook.
WAAV meets the third Wednesday of each month, 8:30am
@ WCAT, 24 Hemlock Road (behind the high school)
To join our mailing list, please email us at [email protected]